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Story Reel Animatics

Story Reel Animatics

An animatic is a movie storyboard consisting of drawn images edited together to tell the film’s story.
Consider it a cinematic comic book or graphic novel adaptation of the final film, with a mix of music and images.
An animatic is a collection of storyboard graphics that have been put together with sound to show how a scene will play out.
It’s the next step up from storyboarding.
The big animation studio Pixar has said how important story reel is for their creative process.
From the scripts, they make storyboards, and through the storyboards, they create story reels.
The story reel animatic is an essential element for telling a story.
It allows the filmmakers to visualize the sequences before engaging in the lengthy and complex process of animation, as well as tease out potential story flaws while they are still manageable.
If a story reel is fantastic and you put it into production, it improves a hundredfold; yet, if a story reel isn’t functioning, no amount of animation will help.
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