King Graphics | Creative branding studio in Dubai
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2D Sketch

2D Sketch

Sketching is a process of creating a quick rough draft of the picture.

Sketches do not take a lot of time to make, and there’s a lot of sketch types.

However, as interesting as it might be, art sketching is not really for us since we are more leaned towards the graphic design side.

With 2D sketches, you can solve problems early before production begins. It gives you and your clients a common reference point to compare ideas. The storyboards allow you to try out different ideas or shots.

You can get an overview of the timing and rhythm of the piece.

The first graphic design sketch is a litmus test for any concept: if you’re bored or don’t enjoy working on it, you probably won’t get the result you want.

Sketching doesn’t take much time, but it’s always very engaging and effective. There’s definitely something cool about those quick, sloppy lines and strokes that will soon become the first prototypes for logos or banners.

Sketching you can do just about anything, almost anytime, anywhere. There are literally no limits, and the only limit is how far your imagination can go after the concept you create.

It will determine if the team is moving in the right direction and provide the initial feedback, which is extremely important to shape the original Idea.

No matter the scale of your project, we’ll assist you to produce distinctive sketches that deliver the knowledge to your ideal customers.


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