King Graphics | Creative branding studio in Dubai
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Drawn-on-Film Animation

Drawn-on-Film Animation

Determined to create a more authentic look for their Films, Filmmakers have developed Drawn-On Film Animation. This process bypasses digital rendering and Graphics altogether by drawing directly on an individual frame to apply Animated images with less modern tools such as pencils or paint brushes instead of computers.
Drawn-On Film Animation has been known for its experimental forays into this new and unique form of production. They can use either blank or black developed rolls; it depends on what technique they want to execute to make something truly one-of-a-kind.
With the help of a professional team at King Graphics, your business can get a compelling promotional Drawn-On Film Animation Video that will make customers excited for what you have to offer. We work between photos or layers on paper and cards with markers/pens as tools; this process involves using digitized images captured by cameras instead – no drawings necessary.
You don’t have to worry about creating messy Animations or spending hours trying out different combinations for your character movements. With an understanding of principles like timing and spacing and experience under their belt, our Animators will produce quality work that will leave any viewer amazed.
Get in touch with us and know how we use this innovative technology to promote your brand for more information. Call us today!

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