King Graphics | Creative branding studio in Dubai
Social Media services
Aspect ratio. Changing the Dimension of Your Footage

Aspect ratio. Changing the Dimension of Your Footage

The Aspect Ratio of your video is key to its success. Changing Aspects Ratios of videos to suit different platforms is essential to create an engagement with storytelling abilities. Aspect Ratio is the close relationship between the width and height of a video image.
It represents the number of pixels wide to every number of pixels in height. So, for example, if an image has an Aspect Ratio of 16:9, there are nine pixels vertically down, ideally for every 16 pixels across the picture.
An Aspect Ratio of 1:1 (also known as a square) is not commonly used but can frame a subject perfectly without loss or gain in image quality. Some social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook stretch videos with an Aspect Ratio of more than 1:1 to fit the user’s platform. Instagram applies a filter to videos that are not 1:1 to give the image a uniform square shape.
King Graphics provides seamless video cropping and Aspect Ratio Adjustment to match any platform you require to post the content.
Our team will take good care of every process so that you can sit back and let King Graphics finish off the job well. Once your video is done, you will share it directly on the platform or device you wish to reach your target audience.
Want to give a different look at the Aspect Ratio of your videos?
Contact us today!

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