King Graphics | Creative branding studio in Dubai
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Color Storyboards

Color Storyboards

Adding the magic touch of lighting to a color storyboard transforms mood and emotions into visual communication.
The action is unveiled through creative drawing and staging, adding the script’s rhythm to the camera work.
We focus a lot on the characters’ facial expressions and acting.
Whether a comedy story or an action sequence we look at many different options to get the right execution style.
As a result, having a storyboard enables you to sort out difficulties early on before production begins.
It provides a reference point for you and your clients to compare ideas. Using storyboards, you can test out different concepts or shots.
You can get a sense of the story’s rhythm and flow.
While creating the storyboard of your vision, you must consider the director’s aesthetic vision and expect characteristics such as setting sizes, camera viewpoints, spatial depths, and, if produced as a sequence of images, the montage’s prospective rhythm.
At King Graphics, we believe in creating quality with creativity.
Our team of designers has worked with multiple clients over the years and has got every experience into creating the right visuals.
Let your customers know your brand’s story.
Contact us, and Let’s start to create the best!

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