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Safety Signs

Safety Signs

Safety Signs are labels or signals that convey instructions, information, or warnings to people who use products, equipment, structures (e.g., buildings), or environments.
Safety Signs reduce accident risks and prevent fatalities or injuries by alerting people about the hazards associated with the workplace environment and with various machinery or equipment.
The signs may be instructions or pictograms, ‘simple graphics designed to convey simple safety messages,’ usually on portable media (e.g., paper) that can be quickly posted at an accident site for temporary use during the initial rescue efforts.
They are usually more common in places of work than in public areas because they give instructions or warnings about specific working conditions that may not be obvious to someone visiting the site.
The signs are placed at a place to give information about rules, directions, decisions, or warnings, including regulatory signs posted by public authorities. Mandatory signs are often required because there is no other way to warn of potential dangers; in some countries, their use is also compulsory.
King Graphics can create custom safety signs for you that will keep your employees safe and inform visitors on how to behave at your workplace or business premises.
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